About the Program

Do you want to work in a laboratory or with computers and scientific instruments? Do you enjoy research, analysis, and problem solving? If so, pursuing a Bachelor of Innovation in Chemistry may be right for you.
Chemistry majors organize and analyze scientific data and communicate complex mathematical and technical information.
What do Chemistry B.I. students study?
The Bachelor of Innovation™ (BI) in Chemistry is a cross-disciplinary degree that combines chemistry, engineering, and business. A collaboration between the Department of Chemistry in the College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences, the College of Engineering, and the College of Business, this cutting-edge curriculum combines academic studies, technical skills, and professional training to prepare students for a variety of careers in the broad spectrum of the chemical industry. The degree is structured so that students gain a fundamental basis of knowledge and skills in chemistry along with preparation in business law, technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship. Moreover, BI Chemistry students will participate in several high-level collaborative projects and professional-level internships that will give them a distinct advantage in the competitive changing world of the chemical fields.
For all chemistry and biochemistry majors. Topics include structure and reactions of alkanes, alkenes, and alkyl halides, organic nomenclature, stereochemistry, and reaction mechanisms and kinetics.
Lab to accompany CHEM 3201. An introduction to organic synthetic and spectroscopic methods for chemistry and biochemistry majors.
Emphasis is on chemical equilibrium, quantitative analysis, spectroscopy, electrochemistry, and analytical separations.
Covers physical chemistry topics such as thermodynamics, chemical equilibrium, and kinetics, illustrating these topics with important biological processes. In addition, an introduction to quantum theory will be presented with an emphasis on its application to biochemical problems.