Data Analytics & Systems Engineering
About the Program

Are you interested in incorporating many fields of study: mathematics, statistics, computer science, operations research, industrial and systems engineering, and operations management? Do you enjoy using data visualization, data mining, and predictive analysis to aid decision-making? If so, pursuing a Bachelor of Innovation in Data Analytics & Systems Engineering may be right for you.
Data Analytics & Systems Engineering majors study engineering foundations, programming sequence courses, data analytics and systems engineering.
What do Data Analytics & Systems Engineering B.I. Students Study?
Data Analytics and Systems Engineering (DASE) is a multidisciplinary degree program focused on learning algorithms and analytics designed to synthesize answers from “big data” sets, as well as applying mathematical methods and models to data challenges in a variety of industries. DASE engineers could work in telecommunications, entertainment, healthcare, shipping, electronics, or manufacturing – any industry that requires continuous improvement in quality and productivity.
Covers the installation and configuration of mainstream operating systems, important network services, disaster recovery procedures, and techniques for ensuring the security of the system.
Python basics, advanced topics including working with pdf, excel, JSON, CSV, decorators, lambda functions, generators, iterators, pattern matching, web scraping, threading, multiprocessing, networking with sockets, servers with Django, scientific computing using Numpy Matplotlib Class Project.
This course introduces students to the field of robotics. Topics include Robotics Operating System, Agents and agent-based system, swarm intelligence, Unmanned Vehicles (UGV, UAV, AUV), robot teaming, mission planning/management systems, path planning & obstacle avoidance.
Course focuses on the basic network and protocol concepts and principles with practical hands-on exercises on network management, network programming, and network planning through the use of industry simulators. Topics include: Internet protocols and routing, local area networks, basic TCP/IP programming, congestion control, packet switching and routing, quality-of-service, and network management.