Business: General
About the Program

Do you want to have a broad understanding of business administration concepts? Do you enjoy dealing with complex issues, making decisions, and taking on leadership? If so, pursuing a Bachelor of Innovation in Business, with or without an emphasis option, may be right for you.
Business majors understand the role of economics in business practices and processes and grasp the role of innovation--both in business and globally.
What do Business B.I. students study?
Business is the organized effort of individuals to produce and sell, for a profit, the goods and services that satisfy society's needs. A business, then, is an organization which seeks to make a profit through individuals working toward common goals. The goals of the business will vary based on the type of business and the business strategy being used.
Regardless of the preferred strategy, businesses must provide a service, product, or good that meets a need of society in some way. As future business leaders, our graduates will demonstrate: knowledge and application of best practices in core business concepts, the ability to analyze and interpret information to reach conclusions and make effective business recommendations, principle based ethics to make socially responsible business decisions.
Statistical applications in business. Includes descriptive statistics, probability distributions, sampling theory, estimation, hypothesis testing, and simple and multiple regression.
Provides knowledge of core business concepts related to selected financial accounting topics and basic managerial accounting, including preparation of the statement of cash flows, basic financial statement analysis, the analysis of product, service and period costs, and the role of accounting in the planning and control of business enterprises. Emphasis on problem-solving skills supported by appropriate analytical quantitative and qualitative techniques for tactical and operational decision making.
Study of how Information and Data are used in business. Shows students how information systems and their data support critical operations to drive today’s critical strategic business decisions. The elements of the supporting Information Technology are studied and the direct application of data in Business Intelligence in specific business situations is discussed. Integral to the class, students will study the impacts of Cyber Security and Business Intelligence on business by undertaking a practical business scenario leveraging Business Intelligence tools and techniques.
An examination of interrelationships between business, society, and government. Explores the legal and ethical significance of transactions in the business decision-making processes.